Friday, October 24, 2014

Slimgenix Fat Burner: Scam or Not?

More and more supplement review requests are coming in, so we are doing 2 supplement reviews per day. Another review that was requested from our facebook page was for "Slimgenix". Though we honestly have never heard of this brand, we decided to look for it on the internet.

Metabolic Boost & Hormonal Reset Complete SlimGenix Weight Loss System including real Slim Style 2 oz Drops
Our drops do not contain HCG , Ephedra, Hormones or Caffeine. They do contain healthy B12, B6, L-Arginine and African Mango Extract for extreme appetite control. 
Our liquid drops absorb 3 times faster, are all natural, safe, effective and have a homeopathic code that makes your body feel as though you have consumed 2000 - 4000 calories.
You CAN'T become immune. Take our drops as long as you need to continue the weight loss program.
Our SlimGenix Weight Loss System uses real food with easy to prepare fat burning meals.
No starvation. You can eat and not suffer through an unrealistic extremely low  calorie diet.

The ad copy was interesting, so we decided to purchase 1 bottle of this supplement to try it out.

Though we haven't done any actual testing and we are just about to start now, we will update you in about 21 days after today to answer the ultimate question, "Is Slimgenix Fat Burner a Scam or Not?"

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